Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Palast on why Clinton lost

And what progressives need to focus on to win. He said:

"Democrats blame Hillary’s loss on Comey. I was in Michigan and Ohio and Wisconsin and NOT ONE VOTER mentioned Comey, and most had no idea who he was. Hillary defended NAFTA to auto workers whose plants were sent to Mexico; would not endorse free education in public universities — and screwed over Bernie, so she lost 50,000 student voters in Madison and Ann Arbor. Arrogance, corruption, the TPP, and failing to make one trip to Wisconsin — and failure to take on, or even mention, mass vote suppression — had more to do with her loss then some nothing statement about her emails. As long as Democrats perpetuate this myth that Comey and Putin won the election for Trump, the Democrats will get all the beatings they deserve. Unfortunately, we the public, pay the price for their hubris."

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