This video at Rachel Maddow’s page highlights the stark differences in how liberals and conservatives see things. As one example she plays a tape of Elizabeth Warren’s (candidate for US Senate in MA) now infamous internet rant against the spurious conservative charge of class warfare. Progressives see her comments as accurate about shared social responsibility while conservatives see it as already stated above or worse. The interesting thing is that polls of the average American Joe or Jane are overwhelmingly on her side. For example, the recent tax the rich poll noted around 70% are for it.
It is not however what the average Joe or Jane wants that matters, at least to conservatives. What matters is who is footing the bills and that is the rich people and corporations (who are people too according to their bought Supreme Court Justices). In Elizabeth Warren’s Senate bid against incumbent Scott Brown she has so far raised $915,000 in grass roots fund raising. Brown on the other hand has about $10.9 million in his war chest. And where is that money coming from? In the entire Senate he rates #1 in receiving contributions from hedge funds and venture capitalists, and #2 from private equity and securities investment firms.