Monday, March 16, 2020

TYT on the debate

Cenk agrees that Biden did not flop. Granted the bar was low but there it is. And that's what Bernie needed to win over enough voters and that's not going to happen.

Yes, Bernie was right in his challenges to Joe's record, especially on social security. Yes, Bernie accurately pointed out when Joe blatantly lied. Yes, Joe made big promises but provided no details on how he could get there (who is the dreamer now?). Yes, Bernie has the far better and more practical policies, and has a proven record of authentic belief and action on them. Yes, Bernie better understands the climate crisis and what's necessary to address it.

Does any of that matter? It all depends on where voters are coming from, status quo v. real change, and we've seen that in the vote count so far. This debate isn't going to change that much if at all.

Tragic, yes. We progressives will just have to accept it and continue the fight in other races and arenas. It is also practical to continue with Bernie's candidacy to at least garner enough leverage in the Party platform and get at least a few spots on DNC committees. Ironically, our revolution is going to have to accept incremental change over the long haul, like it or not.

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