Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Liberal madness

This chart shows that your 3rd Party protest vote gave us Twitler. You claim you voted this way out of conscience and principle, but the egregious harm created by the Twit and his Twitiots shows just how much that is a lie. Hopefully by now you've awakened to that fact and realize that four more years will much further destroy our lives. If you care about people's lives more than your spoiled, self-serving 'principles' you'll vote in a way that helps them. 

And no, I'm not trying to 'shame' you. It's apparent that your narcissistic madness is beyond actual conscience and humanitarian consideration. Sociopaths feel no shame as their behavior harms others because their only concern is themselves. Others are mere tools to prop up a deep hole inside at feeling unloved and unworthy. It is a madness that needs intense psychotherapy to even begin the process of recovery. Here's hoping that looking at how the Twit has harmed people around you might wake you up. Another four years of Twit will very likely negatively impact your own wretched life if it hasn't already. Vote Biden for yourself if you can't do it for others.

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