Friday, August 16, 2019

Wood wide web and the mycelial network

On the wood-wide web:

"Trees, from the mighty redwoods to slender dogwoods, would be nothing without their microbial sidekicks. Millions of species of fungi and bacteria swap nutrients between soil and the roots of trees, forming a vast, interconnected web of organisms throughout the woods. Now, for the first time, scientists have mapped this 'wood wide web' on a global scale, using a database of more than 28,000 tree species living in more than 70 countries."

I guess based on the wood wide web, Star Trek Discovery discovered an inter-dimensional mycelial network throughout all space-time, and created a spore drive to transport within it.  

"The mycelial network was a discrete subspace domain containing the mycelium, or roots, of the fungus Prototaxites stellaviatori. The network could be conceptualized as a vast microscopic web, an intergalactic ecosystem, or an infinite number of roads leading everywhere. It spanned the entire multiverse that included the known universe and all other quantum realities."

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