Sunday, December 17, 2017

The AARP on the tax scam

The American Association of Retired People (AARP) analyzed the Repugnantan tax scam and concluded it will raise both the taxes and insurance premiums of older people. The increased deficit will lead to cuts in Medicare and Social Security as promised by the Repugs to pay for the tax giveaways to corporations and the rich. This more than cancels out the apparent tax break in the form of an increased standard deduction, as personal exemptions would also be eliminated. But by also eliminating the Obamacare insurance mandate this will increase the uninsured by about 13 million, which will decrease the insurance pool and cause rates to go up for everyone, but the brunt of the increases will be on the elderly, as they tend to have much more need of medical services.

It's refreshing that Repubs, those self-described religious defenders of our elderly, are literally throwing us off a cliff to give their rich masters an even bigger piece of a diminishing economic pie while also taking even the leftover crumbs. Our only hope as retired people is that dog food companies make a product that is better tasting to people. Of course, we also have to eat the dog's leftovers, since we can't afford to feed both of us. Or I suppose we could just eat the dog, but that will only last a week or so and then we can dutifully starve to death as necessary collateral damage to let the rich eat caviar.

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