Sunday, August 11, 2019

Poll: Do people like their employer health insurance?

It's a lie that we love that piece of shit employer insurance. Although the poll also showed the majority wouldn't mind if it switched to Medicare For All (MFA) as long as they retain their coverage. But there is a change in coverage with MFA: It is far more comprehensive and less expensive than employer coverage. What they're really getting at when people polled said they like their employer insurance is this: We're glad we have at least any form of health insurance because, according to their own stats, it only covered "about 58% of the population." And MFA covers everyone

Key point buried in all the poll stats: "Those who were on some sort of government plan tended to be very satisfied with their coverage, especially compared to those who have private health insurance." It's amazing how polls and stats can prove just about anything when they're manipulated by an agenda.

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