Sunday, October 27, 2019

Kasparian: Regressives want a civil war

Ana reports on their repeated and incessant calls for a Civil War with video examples. And that means a literal one, with armed conflict killing liberals who support such atrocious policies as a fair wage, universal healthcare and reasonable gun reform. I'm sure Facebook and Suckerberg just call it free speech. And I'm equally sure that the current Presidunce is inciting it, and that the US Attorney General will not prosecute those in the media who are inciting armed insurrection against this country.

These are dark times bordering on the sort of fascist regimes that have in fact implemented death camps and genocide. We really need to heed this for what it is and get very busy voting this sort of violent hate out of our government before it is too late, as well as prosecute those in the media inciting it. Inciting violence is not free speech and never has been. See the Constitutional free speech exceptions, particularly on incitement. If we don't act now our very Constitution will be burned before our eyes.

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