Saturday, July 18, 2020

The intelligensia fails

Continuing the last post, around 9:00 Brent talks about how we need to get together on the same page, but the intellectual competition and infighting is preventing that. And that's my dilemma. There's the very real fascist takeover happening with the Twits but too many on the left are engaged in internal squabbles over political correctness instead of focusing on the very real danger of fascism. Some go so far as to equate Biden with the Twit so hence they're going to ride on their high horse and never-Biden. Chomsky makes us acutely aware that such an attitude is "a vote for the destruction of organized human life on earth."

I applaud both Brent and Zak for hoping that some mutual understanding can come from open debate, but it ain't even working within the left. And we are the last line of defense from a complete fascist takeover. Obviously something more is needed in this time of crisis, forget the meta. Meta is just keeping us up on that high horse and divorced from the reality of the actual danger right in front of us. This blind hubris of the intelligentsia has happened before and that didn't turn out too well. It seems we are repeating it.

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