Tuesday, July 21, 2020

US Nazi brown shirts came to fight

They weren't there for crowd control; they wanted to break some bones and that's just what they did. Much to Twitler's satisfaction, I might add, as that is exactly what they were sent to do: To intimidate we the people from exercising our Constitutional right to protest. Note that Hitler employed a similar tactic with his brown shirts, a step not far removed from full out exterminating people. That's where we're headed folks if we don't strongly oppose these sort of tactics now. And vote out the Twit and Repugnantans in November. Our democracy literally depends on it. On the brown shirts:

"Hitler also relied on terror to achieve his goals. Lured by the wages, a feeling of comradeship, and the striking uniforms, tens of thousands of young jobless men put on the brown shirts and high leather boots of the Nazi Storm Troopers (Sturmabteilungen). Called the SA, these auxiliary policemen took to the streets to beat up and kill some opponents of the Nazi regime. Mere fear of the SA pressured into silence other Germans who did not support the Nazis."

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