Saturday, February 1, 2020

Ball on the Dem generational divide

Excellent analysis of how it applies to Bernie v. Biden. We know younger voters favor Bernie and older ones Biden. But why? Partly because with the increasing funneling of wealth to the top younger people are getting screwed with college debt and no good job opportunities when they graduate. Older voters grew up during a time when we did have more economic equality, union jobs and secure retirement plans, so they fear change. However Bernie is making some inroads with seniors, pointing out how Biden supported cuts to social security while Bernie has always supported expanding it.

Bottom line: There is a real generational gap in the Dem Party and it's playing out in this match up. The future of the Party seems clearly on Bernie and AOC's side. But is that future starting now with a Bernie nomination? It is if the youth have anything to say about it. Let's hope they get out to vote in the primaries.

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