Friday, May 4, 2018

Dimocrapic civil war

Good, detailed and accurate picture of the recalcitrant, Dim corporatists that refuse to give an inch to progressive candidates. Or to we their constituents, for that matter. They'd rather lose than give up power, meaning they don't give a shit about we the people losing our jobs, our wages, our safety or our very lives.

"Let’s face it: Democracy is dangerous to the powerful who rely on big money, institutional leverage and mass media to work their will. The insurgencies of this decade against economic injustice—embodied in the Occupy movement and then Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign—are potentially dire threats to the established unjust order.

"For those determined to retain their positions in the upper reaches of the Democratic Party hierarchy, democracy within the party sounds truly scary. And inauthenticity of the party—and its corresponding heavy losses of seats from state legislatures to Capitol Hill during the last 10 years—don’t seem nearly as worrisome to Democratic elites as the prospect that upsurges of grass-roots activities might remove them from their privileged quarters."

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