Monday, January 15, 2018

Katharine Hayhoe on worldview over science

Climate scientist Hayhoe in this piece said: "People selectively reject a specific set of scientific findings: those they perceive to be a threat to their ideology or worldview, and hence to their identity."

Fossil fuel companies are so threatened so try to create doubt about the science. This may or not have to do with their 'worldview,' for they might very well know the science is accurate but are just too damned greedy to give a shit.

Where a worldview does come into play is that in our society the individual has been deified to the point that we just don't want any government telling us what to do. This 'religion' has of course been promoted by those oil companies and other mega corps for this very purpose, to inculcate a false narrative so that people automatically just opposed government interference, even when it is to protect them and their children.

This is also true of the post-truth climate created by the same power brokers. They gaslighted the public for so long that it made the Dump Presiduncy possible. And now with Dump as the head fake news person many ignorant people, most of us, don't know what is true or not. Combine that with an authoritarian follower worldview and you get people believing the authoritarian leader rather than previously legitimate purveyors of truth, like science and the news media.

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