Continuing the introduction of Realist Magic, he talks of the Rift between I and me,
between the reflexive and nonreflexive pronoun. My associative Muse
thought immediately of how Edwards uses the I and me as the inner and
out zones of a first-person holon from Part 7 of "Through AQAL Eyes."

The I is an suobject's withdrawn core, the me is a
suobject's relations and qualities. Again with the inner/outer
distinction I criticized above. But the Rift is the irreducible gap
between them, the chorismos (akin to chora or khora?). It is
here he gets into Priest's paraconsistent logic as supplement to the law
of noncontradiction, much like I discussed above with differance. A
first person holon is both, yet neither, but if we accept that the
withdrawn is the inner I then it is not the Rift or differance per se.
If we translate the above diagram into the Borromean knot though we
see the Rift in the center, only there are 3 aspects to a holon instead
of 4. In the above diagram then the intersection of the 4, the X, must
represent the Rift. I talked about this X as the Cross before so will
need to find those links.
Still, something is not right with the notion of the withdrawn residing in the I only instead of the X. The X can also be see as two Is crossing, i.e., the I-I, another intuition that needs some contemplation.
Still, something is not right with the notion of the withdrawn residing in the I only instead of the X. The X can also be see as two Is crossing, i.e., the I-I, another intuition that needs some contemplation.