Friday, November 6, 2015

Sanders on the TPP

See his full statement here for the details. The bullet points follow:

1. TPP will allow corporations to outsource even more jobs overseas. 
2. U.S. sovereignty will be undermined by giving corporations the right to challenge our laws
before international tribunals.
3.Wages, benefits, and collective bargaining will be threatened.
4. Our ability to protect the environment will be undermined.
5. Food Safety Standards will be threatened.
6. Buy America laws could come to an end.
7. Prescription drug prices will increase, access to life saving drugs will decrease, and the profits of drug companies will go up.
8. Wall Street would benefit at the expense of everyone else.
9. The TPP would reward authoritarian regimes like Vietnam that systematically violate human
10. The TPP has no expiration date, making it virtually impossible to repeal.

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