Tuesday, November 5, 2019

11,000 scientists: We're in a climate emergency

This isn't just climate change; it's a climate emergency. So said 11,000 scientists in 153 countries.

"Eleven thousand scientists in 153 countries have declared a climate emergency and warned that 'untold human suffering' is unavoidable without huge shifts in the way we live. [...] Researchers say they have a moral obligation to 'clearly warn humanity of any catastrophic threat' and 'tell it like it is'. They state 'clearly and unequivocally that planet Earth is facing a climate emergency'."

The video blurb:

"Dr Thomas Newsome from the University of Sydney is co-author of a paper published in BioScience that outlines the data that shows it is clear we are facing a climate emergency. It has been endorsed by more than 11,000 scientists from 150+ countries. Dr Newsome outlines the six steps we can take to reduce the impact of climate change."

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