Tuesday, June 16, 2020

DNC Environment and Climate Council release recommendations

AOC and Varshini Prakash were given a seat on this Council, apparently to appease the progressives. And the DNC is furious with their recommendations, which include: banning fracking and oil and gas exports; directing 'massive investments to renewable energy infrastructure, creating millions of jobs, and [ending] all incentives and subsidies of the fossil fuel industry;' and establishing a federal Just Transition Task Force to develop a program supporting communities and workers impacted by the climate crisis and the transition to renewables, and [funding] the program.
"The Democratic National Committee on Monday attempted to dismiss its own climate council as an 'insurgent' group that isn't 'taken seriously.' [...] The council's proposal reportedly frustrated DNC leaders, one of whom firmly told Reuters Monday, 'Joe Biden will be writing the platform for our national convention.'"

I know, I know, evil DNC and Biden. But at least the progressives were put on the Council and got to make recommendations. And Biden and Company will likely be forced to accommodate at least some of it in the Convention Platform. You can be absolutely sure you'll get NONE of this from Twitler and Repugnantans. To the contrary you'll just get more environmental devastation pushing us over the edge into irreversible doom.

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