Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Montouri on the Integral Theory conference

See his piece in the latest Integral Leadership Review. A few points. His warning to not fall into Victorian evolutionism is apt, given its propensity to assume our group or philosophy etc. is the pinnacle of evolution, thereby seeing all as below. He correctly notes Adi Da preached this and who do we know was an acolyte and now making similar claims for his system? Claims that cross that "thin, thin line into megalomania?" Think superhuman development as but the latest example.

He also advises studying a different kind of complexity thinking like that explored in this thread. A kind that does not fit neatly into kennilingus categories, quadrants or zones. Morin's dialectic is one example, where "there’s not always a synthesis, but there is interaction between the two terms." Sound familiar?

And how we need to see the connections between the quadrants, and no so much how any given phenomenon fits neatly into one category. Something heretofore poorly elucidated in kennilingus, if at all. Again, sound familiar?

If anyone reading this has yet to read this thread perhaps it's a good place to start implementing his suggestions?

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