Monday, June 4, 2018

Boundaries, hierarchies and networks in complex systems

Paper by Cilliars. Some excerpts:

"In the first place it must be underscored that systems cannot do without hierarchies. [...] Problems arise, however, when these hierarchies are seen as either too clearly defined, or too permanent. The classical understanding of hierarchies tends to view them as being nested. In reality however, hierarchies are not that well-structured. They interpenetrate each other, i.e. there are relationships which cut across different hierarchies. These interpenetrations may be fairly limited, or so extensive that it becomes difficult to typify the hierarchy accurately in terms of prime and subordinate parts" (7).

"A final issue to consider briefly is the role of network models in understanding complex systems. Do they have any advantages? I have argued previously that neural networks provide a better framework for modelling complex systems than rule-based models. [...] Network models can self-organise, information is represented in a distributed fashion, and most importantly, structures which are very loose, very rigid, and everything in between can be implemented in the same medium" (8).

He also notes the limitations of a network model, typical of any form of modeling.

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