Thursday, September 3, 2015

Cameron Freeman on integral masturbation

He said the following in this FB IPS post. I have similar sentiments. Hence I've changed my focus to changing the oligarchic capitalistic system through political engagement. It is causing untold suffering that I see all around me daily that is not affected much if at all by so-called integral modeling. Cameron:

"I genuinely like and respect many of you guys (and gals), but just want to be straight up and brutally honest with you all about some of my overriding impressions and sentiments re: Integral PM. So please understand that this doesn't reflect on some of the truly brilliant individuals that frequent this page, I’m just referring to the more general drift of the activity in the Integral PM universe here.

"The Integral model is so clear, simple and elegant; making it so attractive to those of us who tend toward cognitive understanding and intellectual reasoning a lot. But when it comes to (post-metaphysical) spirituality I'm more like a soldier in war zone, when everything is quiet and the birds are singing something is profoundly wrong. Integral is too clear, too elegant to tell us anything useful about reality.

"Now forgive me in advance for the vulgarity to come, but this is the only way I know of to get to the core of my view of Integral. While there are a few rare exceptions, the vast majority of the Integrally informed FB postings here are like watching others masturbate to a favorite fantasy. It is just stimulating the intellect's ability to sort and categorize, occupying the mind with soothing illusions. Like masturbation it is safe and gratifying to those engaging it, but no more than that. The pleasure, reward and satisfaction is already built into the Integral trap. There is no risk, and therefore no discovery. It's a mental mirage. Integral is an apparition mistaken for a reality map. Real life isn't like Integral's mental playground. It hurts a hell of a lot, and for no reason. One gets fooled, betrayed and sick without comfort or the comfortable chimera of understanding that Integral insists on. There’s no need to stray outside the safety nets of the Integral model to investigate what might lie in the tall grasses and on the barren turf.

"Where is the suffering in IPM? Whose going to die for states and stages, and all the other distractions? Give me the proclamation of good news that says engage the mirage and believe that it is as it should be, and you are not as trapped as you cannot help but think you are. Believe that Reality is just beyond your reach, and throw yourself into that belief placing all your chips on the "insanity" revealed in the life of the Nazarene. Don't read maps, arguing about topography - become the Way, insecure, unknowing and exposed to the trembling at the heart of things... Thanks for paying attention, I just needed to get that off my chest…"

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