Monday, February 5, 2018

Lakoff on the reigning Dump metaphor

Good Lakoff analysis here. Like any good dictator Dump sees himself as the nation. The consequences of this central metaphor is that the Presidunce doesn't serve the nation, but that we serve him. Dump's administration isn't supposed to serve the people but to serve him, hence Dump's repeated demands for loyalty to him personally and not the law. National security no longer means protecting the people but protecting him, hence the insidious attempt to undermine the Mueller investigation. When the press accurately and factually criticizes him they are betraying his dictatorship, so they have to be fake news.

We must keep in mind though that our nation was formed on the central metaphor "we the people," and that our representatives must serve us. Lakoff offers ways we must constantly reinforce that metaphor by focusing on the government's duty to us:

"On health care, the duty to the 22 million people whose needed care would be eliminated under republican plans; On the environment, global warming, weather disaster, and sea level rise by citing examples; On the rights of transgender people, 15,000 of whom are serving in the military; On gun violence and the need to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill and criminals; On Russia’s threat to democracy both at home and in many other countries, from Ukraine and Georgia to the Baltic states."

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