Saturday, November 10, 2018

A different integral story

Continuing this post,  is an integral postmetaphysical spirituality or integral religion only for those who are familiar with AQALingus? Or is it for everyone, even those who know nothing of integrality? If the latter, how do we 'preach' or frame for their understanding? What story works for them?

There seems to be a predominant narrative therein that their creamy elevated level of integralists is what's needed to change society, sort of like Plato's philosopher kings. And yet one reason Dump won was a reaction against this sort of elitism that granted the Dem Party itself promoted. Part of this election was the progressive push back on their own Party elitism with more down home, working class candidates that won the day.

So where is that working class integralism that connects with us the peons? It seems the only narrative for that is that corporate leaders must be reprogrammed with AQAL, which then is inflicted on down the Great Chain of Being to us worker bees. Where's the grassroots worker movement from the bottom up in the integral program? Where's the collective wisdom of the collaborative commons emerging from the middle out? Where's that story?

PS: That latter story has been told repeatedly in the IPS forum linked above.

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