Monday, November 5, 2018

Collective intelligence via liquid democracy

An excerpt from "Transcending our existential risks with collective intelligence":

"It’s not just a revolutionary new political system, it’s a fundamental core logical framework for human organization that can be instantiated across all human activity. I consider liquid democracy to be the single biggest sociopolitical breakthrough in the last 500 years, and likely the biggest breakthrough in human organization since the advent of civilization itself 10,000 years ago. If implemented widely, and it’s combined with the right kinds of reputation systems, what emerges is a fully democratic meritocracy, where the very best, brightest, and most willing to do a particular task, are the ones most empowered to do it. What we end up with is globally scaled trust and coordination network, but without any central leader. Order without orderers. It’s all determined from the bottoms-up in real-time by everyone who participates."

"One of the greatest benefits to such a system of decentralized collective intelligence, is that those with the highest social/emotional intelligence and empathy /perceptiveness, are the ones most capable of forming stable connections, thus acting as the strongest influencers and cohering nodes in an otherwise decentralized network. What liquid democracy plus reputation does is change our civilization from one dominated by sociopaths to one dominated by empaths. In a fitness landscape of competing self-organizing collective intelligences (SOCI), those with the most empathy win."

Also see more on liquid democracy here.

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