Monday, June 8, 2020

Pew Research political typology quiz

Since it's on Pew Research Center's website I'd guess it has some hard data backing it. As expected I came out as "solid liberal." Trouble is, we're only 16% of the population. To win elections we need to frame the issues effectively to win over a majority. Bernie, AOC and The Squad, and the progressive caucus do a good job of that so we need to learn from them.

"Highly educated and politically engaged, Solid Liberals hold consistently liberal values. They back a robust role for government and are strong advocates of the social safety net. Large majorities view the current economic system as unfair and see economic inequality as a major problem. They take broadly positive views of immigrants, and fully 99% think being open to people from around the world is an essential part of the nation’s identity. Most say more needs to be done to address both racial discrimination and obstacles to women’s achievement. They support same-sex marriage and believe homosexuality should be accepted by society. Solid Liberals are the most Democratic of all typology groups: nearly two-thirds (64%) identify as Democrats, another 35% lean toward the Democratic Party."

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