Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The Corona Conspiracy, Part 5

By Frank Visser. From the conclusion:

"The picture of health and disease is always complex, and theories are very difficult to test in this field. But what doesn't help is that one part of the story—even the very existence of its most probable cause—is flatly denied, in favor of untested and all-encompassing claims to health and wellbeing. If one wants to overturn science, the first step is to have an accurate knowledge of it, including its most recent advances. Even though the origin of viruses has not been fully clarified, there is at the same time so much knowledge about these entities in science, that dismissing this out of hand, without actually engaging the field in the proper forums and journals is unproductive. Assuming professional scientists are duped by the photos of little blobs in cells into thinking they see viruses is just beyond any reasonable plausibility."

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