Tuesday, June 9, 2020

This is what you get with Dumpsters and Repugnantans

Is this what you want? Robert Reich commenting on this article:

"You might have thought that 106,000 Americans dead from the pandemic, Great Depression levels of unemployment, the imminent end to extra unemployment benefits, states and cities on the verge of default, and a national upheaval over police brutality might possibly get the GOP out of its obsession with giving rich Americans more cuts.

"But you’d be wrong. They’re pushing to cut capital gains even more than they did two and a half years ago – with almost all benefits again going to the wealthiest Americans.

"Nothing trickled down from their last big tax cut for the wealthy. That they’re trying for another during this time of national trauma – when the system is already so rigged and distorted that Americans have taken to the streets to protest social injustice – reveals their priorities have nothing to do with America and everything to do with making the rich even richer. I think it's disgusting, frankly. What do you think?"

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