Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Chomsky: Biden farther left than any Dem candidate in memory

Interview with Anand Giridharadas. Some key excerpts follow showing how Bernie activists moved the Party Platform and Biden's agenda to be more progressive, as well as the mainstream establishment being the major propagator of cancel culture. And whiny liberals who quit when they can't get everything they want right now instead of dedicating themselves to the long-term road necessary to effect meaningful and sustainable change.

"Take Biden's campaign positions. Farther to the left than any Democratic candidate in memory on things like climate. It's far better than anything that preceded it. Not because Biden had a personal conversion or the DNC had some great insight, but because they're being hammered on by activists coming out of the Sanders movement and others. The climate program, a $2 trillion commitment to dealing with the extreme threat of environmental catastrophe, was largely written by the Sunrise Movement and strongly endorsed by the leading activists on climate change, the ones who managed to get the Green New Deal on the legislative agenda. That's real politics. This is not support for Biden. It is support for the activists who have been at work constantly, creating the background within the party in which the shifts took place, and who have followed Sanders in actually entering the campaign and influencing it. Support for them. Support for real politics."

"The main attack on freedom of speech was not discussed there [the cancel culture letter]. It's the mainstream establishment, which for years has been engaged in massive cancel culture."

"We have no shortage of immediate ways of getting involved. But immediate changes are another story. There's kind of an instant gratification culture. I worked for Bernie Sanders, he didn't win. I'm going home. That's not the way political change takes place. It takes place step by step, small changes to bigger ones, and so on."


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