Friday, October 27, 2017

Crapitalism will continue until its victims rise up

Here's Hartmann's interview with Richard Wolff on the fall of capitalism. That capitalism is about the rich taking all the pie is incontestable, as is that capitalism destroys democracy. But it won't change until its victims rise up to do something about it. He's not suggesting violent revolt but rather the victims getting politically involved and forcing government to create limiting regulations aka public protections.

This of course requires voting in candidates that represent the people, not the oligarchy. Which of course requires civic responsibility to keep well informed on the facts of their representatives. Which of course requires a lot of effort time and effort that many don't have given their circumstances are deliberately created by the oligarchic for the very purpose of keeping them disengaged in the political process. But that is when people must rise up, when they've been abused to their last straw, and finally take a stand. Will they?

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