Friday, October 20, 2017

Progressive Caucus budget reveals its values too

Compare and contrast the Repugnantan values with those exemplified in this budget.Which is more in line with your values? E.g., from the Executive Summary:

Invest In America

Invests $2 trillion to transition to a 21st Century Infrastructure to transform our energy, water and transportation systems
Closes loopholes so our government agencies use materials made in America
Expands our commitment to efficient renewable energy and green jobs
Invest $100 billion to increase access to reliable, high-speed internet

Affordable Health Care

Maintains critical coverage gains under Affordable Care Act
Lowers costs of prescription drugs
Allows states to transition to single-payer health care systems
Expands access to mental health care and treatments for opioid and heroin addiction
Repeals excise tax on high-priced health care plans for workers and replaces with public option

Fair Tax System for Working Families

Ends corporate tax break for offshoring American jobs and profits
Stops companies from renouncing their American citizenship to dodge U.S. taxes
Closes wasteful corporate tax loopholes that cost billions of dollars
Taxes Wall Street to fund Main Street
Ensures profits from investments are finally taxed at the same rate as income taxes
Raises revenue from the wealthiest few who can afford to pay more
Expands the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Care Credit

Justice and Fair Elections

Ensures the justice system is fair and effective for all Americans by increasing funding for voter protection and legal assistance programs
Rebuilds trust in the justice system by developing community oriented policing reforms
Protects American election systems from any interference and increases
protections for voting rights by strengthening key election reforms
Funds public financing of campaigns to curb special interest influence in politics
Supports policies and initiatives to significantly reduce gun violence
 Educational Opportunities for Every Student

Delivers on the promise of lifting working families up by investing $1 trillion in effective early learning opportunities and for a child care for all program
Makes debt free college a reality for all students
Greater investments in K-12 education
Increases computer science opportunities for all students
Allows refinancing of student loans
Fully funds IDEA and provides Pre-K for all 

Pathways Out of Poverty and Empowering the Middle Class 
Supports a minimum wage increase and collective bargaining rights
Provides a plan to reduce poverty by half in ten years
Increases discretionary funding to invest in women, communities of color and their families
Provides an increase in Trade Adjustment Assistance for workers
Strengthens the Small Business Administration’s ability to provide support to America’s small business owners
Addresses the pay equity gap

Comprehensive and Just Immigration Reform

Implements comprehensive immigration reform, including a pathway to
Prohibits funding for construction of any border wall and any immigration
policies which seek to ban people from entering the U.S. because of their religion
Supports continued funding to sanctuary cities

Access to Housing

Fully funds programs to make housing affordable and accessible for all
Invests $12.8 billion to end family homelessness

Protecting our Environment

Closes tax loopholes and ends subsidies provided to oil, gas and coal companies
Identifies a price on corporate carbon pollution
Invests in clean, renewable, and efficient energy and green manufactu

Protecting Our Veterans

Eliminates veterans’ homelessness
Increases access to mental health care for all veteran and service members
Invests in job training opportunities for transitioning service members and

Sustainable Defense: Promoting Peace And Security

Modernizes our defense system to create sustainable baseline defense spending
Ends emergency funding for Overseas Contingency Operations
Increases funding for diplomacy and strategic humanitarian aid
Adds robust funding for refugee resettlement programs

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