Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Krugman: The angry white male caucus

The subtitle of this piece: "Trumpism is all about the fear of losing traditional privilege." This phenomenon isn't restricted to blue collar workers but goes all the way to the top of the Repugnantan elite. This lays waste to the notion Repugnantan rage is all about economics. No, it's about losing white male privilege.

Even the struggling blue collar worker used to feel some sense of superiority over those not as fortunate, racially and otherwise. But with the influx of people of color and other religions they are losing this tenuous grasp on feeling better about themselves. Same with the rich, only within different circumstances. No matter their comfort level they envy those of higher status and accomplishment, as if the system is holding them back from their god-given right. And the ultimate affront is women who are holding them accountable for their sexual and other abuse, as this challenges something hitherto accepted as just the way it is.

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