Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Lakoff on WI attack on democracy

Continuing the last post, Lakoff comments on this article. He said:

"Republicans in Wisconsin have launched a full-on assault against democracy. The lame-duck legislature is passing last minute laws to limit the power of the Democratic leaders who will take over in January. Having been defeated at the polls, they are re-writing the rules to maintain power. Scott Wittkopf, a Wisconsin political activist and FrameLab friend, writes of the moral implications of what's happening in his home state.

"Amidst all the protests, statements, and claims from both Democrats and Republicans, there resides a deeper, moral struggle that will have drastic moral implications for our democracy. In fact, it speaks to the very nature of why democracy exists, and what it means to everyone's lives. It is my assertion that Democrats and progressives need to make this moral vision a priority in everything they communicate from now on. Because while it is a moral vision of democracy most people accept, it is diminishing in public discourse thanks to decades of intentional conservative effort to cause its diminution. What is this 'moral vision?'" 

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