Friday, February 21, 2020

Only Bernie chose democracy

Excellent article in Jacobin on the underlying premise of a contested convention: It is authoritarian and anti-democratic. And only Bernie stood up for democracy, a frightening occurrence in a Democratic Party debate. This is exactly why Bernie must be our nominee and not any of the others.

"With a billionaire onstage and every candidate but Bernie Sanders open to unelected and unaccountable superdelegates choosing the nominee, last night’s debate showcased clearly the choice facing Democrats: rule by the majority or rule by plutocratic elites. [...] Democracy is a broad and widely contested principle. But a group of unelected party apparatchiks handing victory to a candidate with fewer votes would represent an indisputable violation of it — particularly as a means of overruling a dynamic popular movement powered primarily by working-class activists and small donations. In an environment where millions rightly feel their country is ruled by the wealth and power of a handful of political and economic elites, it would be nothing short of a suicidal act for the Democratic Party. And yet it was a potential course of action left open by every politician on the stage save one."

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