Sunday, December 27, 2015

Hegelian dialectic and capitalism

There has been some discussion of Hegelian dialectics in the FB IPS forum, so I posted this response:

As noted at length in the Ning IPS forum, Hegelian dialectics is the basis for the kennilingus acceptance of e.g. the model of hierarchical complexity (MHC). But there is another form of complexity that doesn't require that Hegelian dialectical logic. And no, it is not just 'horizontal' complexity as reduced by the MHC. As but one example, from this Ning post, with Caputo discussing Zizek's recontextualization of Hegel's dialectic, akin to what Cameron talks about. I'd add the capitalism is part of the formal logic of Hegelian dialectics.

"The core theoretical debate in this book goes back to Hegel, about which Milbank and Žižek share considerable agreement. For Hegel, the fundamental motor of time and becoming is dialectical reconciliation of the members of a binary oppositional pair in virtue of which each one tends to pass into the other on a higher level. But Žižek rejects Hegel's invocation of "reconciliation" of opposites in a happier harmony. For Žižek the next step, the negation of the negation, does not mean a step up (aufheben) to a higher plane of unity but instead a more radically negative negation in which we are led to see that this mutual antagonism is all there is and that we are going to have to work through it. The unreconciled is real and the real is unreconciled. The only reconciliation is to reconcile ourselves to the irreconcilable, to admit that there is no reconciliation, and to come to grips with it. The negation of the negation leaves us with a deeper negation, not with an affirmation. It is not that the spirit is first whole, then wounded, then healed; rather such healing as is available to it comes by getting rid of the idea of being whole to begin with. The antithesis is already the synthesis" (72).

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