Friday, April 24, 2020

It's not just me saying fascism is coming to the US

Chomsky said it. Scahill said it. Now this article reiterates it.

"In short, as the two contenders with a chance to win the presidential race, Biden and Trump are offering a choice between neo-liberalism and neo-fascism. To hear a small but significant portion of the U.S. left tell it these days, that's not a meaningful choice. Some say preventing the re-election of Trump isn't important. That amounts to ignoring political reality, an evasion with potentially vast consequences."

"'We should make no mistake,' longtime progressive journalist Juan González said days ago, 'that this country is edging closer and closer to neo-fascist authoritarianism.' That reality doesn't stop some on the left from evading it—preferring to conflate the two major parties to a degree akin to denial. [...] But here's a key point: People who deny or downplay the real threat of neo-fascism consolidating itself via Trump's re-election are, in effect, serving as enablers for the forces of the virulent extreme right that already controls so much of the U.S. government."

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