"The MoCA evaluates different types of cognitive abilities. These include:
- Orientation: The test administrator asks you to state the date, month, year, day, place, and city.
- Short-term memory/delayed recall: Five words are read, the test-taker is asked to repeat them, they are read again and asked to repeat again. After completing other tasks, the person is asked to repeat each of the five words again and given a cue of the category that the word belongs to if they are not able to recall them without the cue.
- Executive function/visuospatial ability: These two abilities are assessed through the Trails B Test, which requires you to draw a line to correctly sequence alternating digits and numbers (1-A, 2-B, etc.) and through a task which requires you to draw a copy of a cube shape.
- Language abilities: This task consists of repeating two sentences correctly and then listing all of the words that can be recalled that begin with the letter "F".
- Abstraction: You are asked to explain how two items are alike, such as a train and a bicycle. This measures your abstract reasoning, which is often impaired in dementia. The Proverb interpretation test is another way to test abstract reasoning skills.
- Animal naming: Three pictures of animals are shown and the individual is asked to name each one.
- Attention: The test-taker is asked to repeat a series of numbers forward and then a different series backwards to evaluate attention.
- Clock-drawing test: Unlike the Mini-mental state exam (MMSE) which does not include the clock drawing test, the MoCA asks the person being evaluated to draw a clock that reads ten past eleven."
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