Monday, January 6, 2014

Do nothing Congress plans to continue being takers

Yes, these are the same folks that rail about the takers who do nothing and get a luxurious lifestyle on welfare and food stamps. Meanwhile they are getting paid from $165,000 to over $200,000 per year salary, which doesn't include all the corporate perks and graft. And previously reported, they've hardly done anything to earn it. Do we really want to continue to pay quite generous welfare to these takers?

Given the psychology of regressives they figure if they can get something for nothing why not continue with this agenda for the new year, which is exactly what Representative Grayson exposes in this piece. The regressive agenda for the new year was literally a blank piece of paper. And their past record is a clear indication that they have no intention of at all addressing key issues important to most of us:

20 million unemployed people;
The highest income inequality in history;
A military budget that is more than the rest of the world combined;
Climate change;
Healthcare reform.

Isn't it time we fire these takers and have them get a real job to earn a living? Or better yet, go on real welfare and food stamps when they can't get a job to see what their policies are causing? Fire the fuckers this year at election time.

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