Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Biden changes mind on WI voting

Continuing this post, Biden has changed his tune about the Wisconsin Primary going forward today. Previously he said the convention should be virtual, and that the WI primary should follow the science. But WI didn't follow the science and is going forward anyway so he said:

"A convention having tens of thousands of people in one arena is very different than having people walk into a polling booth with accurate spacing with 6 to 10 feet apart, one at a time going in, and having the machines scrubbed down."

Sounds like bad rationalization to me. No matter the precautions some people are going to catch the virus from this and some are going to die as a result. Joe should have stood firm in demanding it be postponed.

PS: And no, this isn't hypothetical speculation. Some hospital healthcare workers, who take the utmost precautions, are catching the virus and some of them are dying. There is absolutely no good reason to be holding a Primary in person as the pandemic is growing exponentially.

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