Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Sanders: End corporate welfare

Bernie is proposing legislation that would require big companies with over 500 employees pay for the welfare those employees receive due to low wages. There is no good reason we the taxpayer should pay for those needed benefits when its the company's responsibility to pay employees a living wage so that they don't need the welfare in the first place. Will the Repugs in the Senate vote for it? Of course not. But it once again highlights who is for we the people and who is for corporations. Vote accordingly. Bernie said:

"While Mr. Bezos is worth $155 billion and while his wealth has increased $260 million every single day this year, he continues to pay many Amazon employees wages that are so low that they are forced to depend on taxpayer-funded programs such as food stamps, Medicaid, and subsidized housing just to get by. While Mr. Bezos is the most egregious example, the Walton family of Walmart and many other billionaire-owned large and profitable companies also enrich themselves off taxpayer assistance while paying their workers poverty-level wages. That is why I am introducing legislation in September to demand that Mr. Bezos and other billionaires get off welfare and start paying their workers a living wage."

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