Friday, May 29, 2020

Ana has a different take on Twitler's Tweets

She rightly notes that Twitler's lying Tweets are a huge manipulation of the voting public and Twitter rightly fact checked as demonstrably false information about voting by mail. If they let it slide than fools will believe the lies. Ana then rails on Suckerborg who also finds it censorship to point out facts, that lies should be spread as free speech. The provable lies are not a matter of equal opinion. We do need reliable fact checkers to set the record straight.

Ana notes Sucker hides behind the free speech rationale but documents show that he actually likes the divisiveness Facef___ creates because it leads to more "user engagement." Which, not coincidentally is exactly Pox Views rationalization for their format. People that buy the fake front excuses are enabling these media outlets to continue their lying ways for clicks and bucks while not really giving one shit about free speech or its defenders. You're being played as dupes.

Cenk and Ana then point out that Facef___ indeed does fact checking but only from crackpot white nationalists while never including any progressive or reputable news fact checkers. But that's yet another story.

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