Tuesday, January 28, 2020

NYT: Should we be afraid of a Bernie nomination?

I have to share this excellent and accurate response to a NYT piece asking if we should be afraid of a Sanders nomination. To the contrary, we should be afraid if he doesn't get it that all the things mentioned in the response below will be bartered away in the name of some fake getting along with the fascists and oligarchs. You know, Repugnantans (and establishment Dems).

"Oh yes Michelle the prospect of a Bernie Sanders presidency just terrifies me! The very notion that 100 million Americans who have inadequate or no access to health care would suddenly not have to go bankrupt or ration medications chills me to the bone. And all those kid enslaved to paying off college debt to the same banks we collectively bailed out? Letting them off the hook, so they can start a family, buy a house, or just put that money into our economy...who could hatch such a diabolical plan?? Just please don't get me started on free public college and university, allowing our young people to obtain a higher education on an equal basis so all can have a chance to excel? A moral outrage! And we will be less safe, because he will likely not only refuse to comply with the military industrial complex and their bloated budgets, but he would likely refuse to drop over 26,000 bombs on the Middle East like Barack Obama did. And he'll definitely end our complicity with Saudi Arabia in Obama's proxy war in Yemen. Who wants that?! I am so petrified of his ability to converse in a meaningful way with Trump voters and Fox News viewers, and his appeal to conservative media heroes like Joe Rogan, that I wonder if he is even really a Democrat, because they would never appeal to such a 'deplorable' constituency. Oh, I almost forgot, he's not a Democrat. Well, no wonder...."

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